Watch Last Year's Summit!
4:17 - 4:52
Mini Session #1
Please choose one of the sessions below that interests you and click on the speaker names to be taken to their sessions
Kelsey Dovico: Navigating Mental Health Challenges During Adolescence
Dr. Jamil Zaki Part 1: Building Empathy in a Fractured World
Nick Brdar, and Courtney Fortin: Peer support and Empathetic listening
4:52 - 5:00
Longer Break!
If you are a high school or college student, get ready for our activity session!
Look at our break countdown on the main session.
5:00 - 5:30
If you are a high school or college student, join our zoom link here! If not, enjoy your 25 minutes:)
BREAK: 5:30 - 5:35
5:35 - 6:00
Mini Session #2
Please choose one of the sessions below that interests you and click on the speaker names to be taken to their sessions
Alexandra Xu: Body Positivity, Eating Disorders, and Social Justice
Cara de Lange: How to BURNOUT PROOF your life and improve your wellbeing
Christine Wincentaylo: How to Create the Discussion of Mental Health in School & at Home
BREAK: 6:00 - 6:05
6:05 - 6:35
Keynote Speaker #2: Dr. Brian Johnson
Please join our main session here! This keynote will be broadcasted at this link after the 4th break​
Topic: Invisible Scars: Insight into the Effects of Discrimination, Biases and Microagressions on Youth
6:35 - 6:38
Closing Session
Please join our main session here
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
3:38 - 3:57
Keynote Speaker #3: Ms. Randi Silverman
Join our main session here! Keynote will be broadcasted on this link after the opening session.
Topic: Mental Health 101
BREAK: 3:57 - 4:05
4:05 - 4:25
4:30 - 5:02
Mini session #3
Please click on the speaker names to be taken to their sessions
Teja Reddy: The connection experiment: A Heartful Approach to Communication
BREAK: 5:02 - 5:05
5:05 - 5:35 PM EST
Keynote Speaker #4: Dr. Partha Nandi
Join our main session here! The keynote will be broadcasted after our second break.
Topic: Being a #HealthHero. 5 Steps to Living a Joyful Life
5:35 - 5:55 PM EST
School Features
The school features will be broadcasted after Dr. Nandi's talk. Please join our main session here!
5:55 - 6:05 PM EST
Closing Session
Please make sure you fill out the conference feedback form, write a post on our padlet, and sign up for our newsletter!
Thank you so much for attending!
All Q&A questions can be sent via Google Form to the speakers and will get an email back!
Thank you to our sponsors!